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Visus Interruptus

We are now (2013) in the run up to the 45th anniversary of Pope Paul's Encyclical, Humanae Vitae (1968). This encyclical reiterated the Roman Catholic Church's traditional opposition to all forms of birth control "where sex was not open to procreation". The ban included what was known as "coitus interruptus" or the withdrawal method.

The biblical authority for banning this particular form of contraception comes from the case of Onan who was reputedly struck down by God "in flagrante". It should also be noted that this method could be objected to on the grounds that it was inefficient, frustrating and no protection whatsover against STDs.

At the time, Michael Frayn wrote a very good, and very funny piece, where he applied the Pope's theology to rear-view mirrors in motor cars, leading to a total ban on their use, as being a form of "visus interruptus".

There is a long tradition of obedience by the City of Dublin to the Holy See. The photos below are presented in the context of this intimate relationship and in a spirit of total subversion. Enjoy.

Reflection of GPO in Millennium Spire,
Dublin, November 2006

Reflection of remains of Nelson's Pillar,
Dublin, March 1966

Driver's eye view of DART,
Raheny, Dublin, August 2006

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